You can try this code dWsLbaqALopISlfvZgv3MsTtkAVWUjA)iWpfv5VuYVfAyiKXjkoOG6WOSqK0srIJHOwoHNQ6Xi1ZLAIuOMQeltuA6uDvfrxM01fzYcSvfjBwrQTtblwu5RkkFwHVRi8me0CrOgTOQMMK6KcYWLKbtHmiJc(Ihs6QyAgTsCi6OSjoCULVojRzmHyJclJvdS2zUI34zNt08m424b4bOGNKUyhdvGcExPCUjZwHjH11zZah3f7yOcuWDsvkE7mp14jPAqLool5rC1GkD8W0(gLey0KnlhxXtTALKRdQ4PwT6kLZnz2kOI3vkNBYSvysyDD2mWX5rwak4PwTO5SUbvCrKROGBN4(IcC44PwTKmBf5WP5SUrbVx5GR4ZctHsO8OahoUqhBuwivP4lDuIZccwFJsg3Yf7yOIgf44YKDrSJHkAysgFdWNAP9OGebgrj15JthJ8G4esqfoUbysUMmrWbaa Quartz hates it as well.You have to use Type " Status" with the Status " Action Usable" I've had issues with other addons and Victory Rush as well. I'm sure it has to do with how Victory Rush is handled. This was caused by the build-in button template it uses.īoth bugs should be fixed now. There is no other option on said frame to hit Done/Import.The import button is and was always there, just not visible to the human eye because of its height of 0 pixels. The mini frame that has the group/children info remains active on the screen until closed. The only import button that appears after attempting to import a string is the "Done" button at the bottom of the text box. I am given the prompt that displays the names of each of the children in the group as well as the group name, but there is no 2nd import button attached to the bottom. I am also unable to import previous strings from myself. I myself cannot see my links when I enter them into chat nor can anyone else with weakauras installed.Haven't used that feature yet and there is a missing function to proceed the display (visible if LUA error display is active). I am fully able to create the auras and create a link for each aura in game, but it appears as though the only people that can see the User created link for each aura in chat is someone WITHOUT weakauras enabled. I'll check back for a reply here - Can also reach me in game on Horde side on Algalon with the name Almonds. I can provide screenshots to break down exactly what I mean if this is a little too rambley and/or convoluted. There is no other option on said frame to hit Done/Import. I myself cannot see my links when I enter them into chat nor can anyone else with weakauras installed.

Another issue occurs only when I am in a RAID group.RAR ZIP Note: - The Cataclysm spell activation overlay textures are included - custom ActionButton glow effect included - ICON auras support ButtonFacade if you need ButtonFacade, use this link: ButtonFacade-r33315Skins My modified AddOns: Grid2 r720 for 3.3.5 Bazooka 1.8.7. I am fully able to create the auras and create a link for each aura in game, but it appears as though the only people that can see the User created link for each aura in chat is someone WITHOUT weakauras enabled. I fixed it by replacing this file with another one working for 3.3.5. The issue I am running into is the import and export functionality. I've found that creating auras is functioning properly in regards to buff/debuff/status/custom/aura/event, which is great. I've very savvy with Weakauras and Weakauras2 in terms of config and development - Just a small PSA before I get into my questions/comments. Figured I'd do you the service of some technical feedback. There is apparently some way to make PAC show you countdown timers, but I haven't figured it out yet.Love that you did the back-end work to get this going. That's the one feature I miss from PAC, actually - I'd like to be able to show an aura if a skill was going to be usable in 0.5 seconds, for instance, or at least start it fading in at that time. Of course, since I like information overload, I also have DoTimer cooldown bars for CB and Conflag, but they're not strictly necessary. Throw in a timer bar for Immolate, courtesy of Elkano's BuffBars, and I've got all the information I need right in the middle of my screen. off cooldown, and active for active skills like Overpower) The last one I find especially useful for my Destruction warlock I have a green dragon show up to the left of my character when my Chaos Bolt is ready to fire, and an orange flame to the right when I can Conflagrate. Trigger conditions for displaying an aura include: - Presence/absence of a buff on yourself, enemies, or party member s - Presence/absence of a debuff - Power levels (energy, mana, rage) - A skill being usable (i.e. An image with an alpha of 0 is completely transparent, while one with an alpha of 1 is completely opaque. Um guia sobre o addon power auras totalmente br Dúvidas Comente abaixoLINK RENOVADO. For those of you scratching your heads right now, "texture" means image (think textures on 3D game objects), and "alpha" refers to the transparency of the image.