This means the correct method signature is selected when the code is compiled.

Remember that overloading is the static approach to polymorphism. The compiler will choose the definition of the function or operator with parameter types that correspond to the data used when the function or operator was called. When you overload a function or an operator in C++, your code compiler is going to look at the different argument types that were used to call the function or the operator. Operators that can’t be overloaded include the conditional operator, member selection operators, object size and object type information operators, and the scope resolution operator. This only works with built-in operators and not all of them can be overloaded. If you need to create a new behavior, using a different method would make more sense. This is the solution you would choose to apply the same behavior to objects parameter variations. Note that the purpose of overloading is to create different versions of a method without changing the method behavior. Keep in mind that you can’t have different return types. Just like with Java, you can use different types of arguments or a different number of arguments. Each function needs to have a different definition. If you need to overload a function, start by creating two or more functions with the same name in the same scope. You can overload a function or an operator. Overloading is a concept that also exists in C++. When creating the different definitions of a method, you can use different types of parameters, have a different number of parameters, and change the order of the parameters. You can have different versions of the same method exist in the same class.

There are a few rules to follow when using overloading in Java. The version of the method that is executed depends on the parameters available. Overloading allows you to use a method name and to have different signatures associated with this name. You can use built-in methods or define a new method if you need to perform a task that isn’t covered by a built-in method. Java is a programming language that gives you the possibility to invoke a method at any time in your code by simply using the method’s name. What Is Overloading? Photo credit to Cubetto Being able to create different variations of a method and invoking a specific version of a method in your code helps you keep your code short and concise. Without polymorphism, you would have to work with several different methods. Polymorphism is a crucial concept since it helps you save time when coding. Overloading is the technique you would use for static polymorphism while overriding is the dynamic approach. Polymorphism can either be static or dynamic. In some cases, the object class will indicate how the object is processed. It refers to the fact that an object can be processed differently depending on the data type that is available for this object. Polymorphism is an important concept in object-oriented programming. You need to understand the difference between overloading and overriding to determine which approach is best for what you want to accomplish. These concepts are essential when programming in Java, but other languages also use these concepts. Overriding and overloading are concepts you need to understand as a programmer.